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Owl - Buho - Beads
  • Owl - Buho - Beads
  • Owl - Buho - Beads
  • Owl - Buho - Beads

Owl - Buho - Beads

SKU : XAHF19111
Brand : Huichol
1 In Stock
US$ 37.00

Owl - Huichol art lined with beads

The owl with beads is lined with multicolor beads, is a work made by the Huichol of Nayarit. In it drawings that represent cultural traditions are made. The Huichol miniature paintings are full of color and symbolism. They are an excellent 100% Mexican gift.

Give Mexican crafts to your friends or your guests. Our selection can be customized and are the detail that never goes unnoticed. Get to know the true spirit of crafts and take part in the history of Huichol crafts.

Huichol art

All figures


Dimension (L x W x H) 6 x 2.5 x 10 Centimetros
Weight 0.1 Kilogramos