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  • Hen - Gallina

Hen - Gallina

Hen.- Alebrije made in wood and hand-painted by Oaxacan artisans.

SKU : AMAG20035
Brand : Alebrijes
1 In Stock
US$ 27.00

Hen.- Alebrije made in wood and hand-painted by Oaxacan artisans.

Hen - Alebrije

The figures of alebrije are a great variety of animals and objects that are carved in wood and hand-painted by artisans from Oaxaca. In them drawings of symmetrical frets are made and diverse reasons that give an explosion of color and dynamism in their designs. The figures of the wooden alebrijes are full of color. They are an excellent 100% Mexican gift.

Give Mexican crafts to your friends or your guests. Our selection can be customized and are the detail that never goes unnoticed. Get to know the true spirit of the crafts and take part of the history of the wooden alebrijes made in Oaxaca.


Miniatures & Small


Dimension (L x W x H) 9 x 6 x 7 Centimetros
Weight 0.1 Kilogramos